Interiors by Jocelyne Coles Hibbert | Commercial & Residential interior design NYC


Interior Design Services

Full interior design services.

We will create a design plan for your home. Custom to your taste. We will work room to room, personalizing furniture placement, color scheme, lighting, window treatment while incorporating items that are already yours.

Step I

We always begin the design process by scheduling a face to face consultation so that we can get a sense of your taste, your lifestyle and how you envision the space to look and feel. This means we will ask you a lot of questions to make sure we get it right!

Step II

We will put together initial mood boards and schematic designs based on our understanding of your needs. We believe in an iterative design process, so the first round of ideation won’t be perfect! We expect to work with you to incorporate all of your feedback to make sure that the final plans are exactly what you are looking for.

Step III

After we have finalized the design palette and overall vision for the space, we will start to purchase materials and furniture. Details are key, so we will make sure to go over every aspect of the purchase process with you.

Step IV

Installation. This is the part where your space starts to come alive. We oversee the furniture placement and ensure that everything will fit in the space. The most essential part of this step is that we inspect each piece and make sure everything is organized and ready for installation. We also make sure that every single detail is how you imagined it!


The Unveiling. Your space is just how you’ve imagined it and you can simply walk in and begin to live in it! Our goal is to ensure that we’ve met all of your design needs, and now you can sit back, relax and enjoy.